Monday, April 30, 2012

Day #10:

One today's schedule: breakfast, laundry, and the beach! So excited.

This is my first day ever to go and do my laundry at a laundry mat. It is definitely a new experience. The whole choir is here, so you can only imagine the scene... between hoping that no one is looking my way as I unload the washers and dryers, I look ahead.

God has truly been faithful so far on this tour, and know He will continue to be faithful. He has done such great things in our midst. I have witnessed a backslidden man come down to an altar, the father of two of the choir members, and get saved. His life is changed.

Luke 1:49-50 says, "For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation." 

This is true. He is merciful and mighty. He will do what he promised.

Day #9: Surprising Strength

     I'm glad everyone understands that when I say I'm going to TRY to blog about choir tour every day, then I really mean I'm going to try. Enough said...
     We are in Douglas, Georgia tonight. The Lord really moved tonight in the service, and last night, and the night before. 

     One thing I have learned while in choir is our God is a God of divine appointments. We had a service cancellation in South Carolina, so we went to Summerville, Georgia. Choir tour really, really wears on the body, as well as the mind and emotions. We've been on tour for eight days now, and together with a lack of proper rest and emotional strain, there's more than a slight chance you'll arrive at a service a little tired. Unfortunately, we were all tired. But, we did our absolute best, and sang our hearts out. After the altar call, the pastor got up and asked the choir to come to the front, and they prayed for us! The Holy Spirit came down to refresh us.

     God truly has a unique, amazing way of working! You just never know what could happen! Our job is just to walk in the path He has laid for us, and He will do the work. He will give us what we need when we need it, whether its strength, healing, finances, or whatever you need. So really, it shouldn't come as a surprise at all!

   Stay tuned for more! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Choir Tour: Day #1-3

Sooo, school is over, test are completed, and thirty-five OBI students, two choir directors, and one bus driver (plus his wife :D) have stumbled wearily onto a shuttle bus to travel for the next two weeks. And now, here we are.

This has been my first year to be in the Overcomers choir, and I have enjoyed it so much! We have seen so many great things in our midst, I cannot begin to tell all. But over these next two weeks, I am going try to blog about this choir tour.

     Over and over I am reminded of the simple fact that if we make a place for God to move, He will move. This is what we are doing as a choir; making a place for God to move in our midst.

Stand by for an update!