Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Goodbye, Facebook! (I'll miss you. )': )

A lot of you, or some of you at least, my have noticed I deactivated my facebook page. Lord willing, it will only be temoporary.
 There are serveral reasons for this action. Yesterday I was reading in the Pentacostal Evangel about David Wilkerson. In the story, he sold his TV, which he used to watch every night from 12:00 am to 2:00 am. He asked himself, "What would happen if I dedicated those hours I watch TV to prayer?" And from that single commitment, his ministry was born. For those who may not know, David Wilkerson is the founder of Teen Challenge. He died in April, but his life and ministry still live on and speak to us me, today.
   Social networking for me, is my downfall, I guess you could say. It's like a habit. No, it is a habit. I do not believe it is wrong by all means, but it is wrong when you put something before God. So, I deactivated it until I can get ahold of myself. It's really sad when something runs your life, besides God.

  There are a few other reasons, but that is the biggest reason.

  So, I don't really know if anyone will read this because not that many people follow my blog, and I can't put it on facebook that I updated it. But I'm not heartbroken or anything. Hopefully I'm going to start blogging more. I like it, whether anyone reads it or not.

So, cheerio, I'm off to go shopping with my aunt and cousin before they leave for Neosho. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Maria. Props to you for making a, in my opinion, very mature decision. I do read your blog, although you don't write very often. And I'm sorry if you thought I was snubbing you at camp. I was having a hard time finding how to reconnect with you now that you have an abundant life with your new OBI friends, since I don't know most of them. And I was still trying to get back into the loop from being away from y'all for 11 days. :)
